Job Description:
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) of TIFR invites highly motivated individuals possessing the prescribed qualification and experience for a walk in interview for the post of Project Program Assistant. Currently the person will be based in Mumbai with the possibility of eventually shifting to Bangalore. The selected candidate shall be offered consolidated salary based on the qualification and experience. Outstanding candidates with proven track record and experience in multiple areas relating to office administration & management can be considered for a higher starting salary.
Essential Qualification & Experience :
Post graduate degree, preferably in a science subject or mathematics, from a recognized university with minimum of 60% marks
Familiarity with computers, internet and microsoft office applications
Minimum one year of work experience in a similar job, preferably in an academic/research institution
Job Profile :
This job involves providing administrative support for all the academic activities of the Centre, for example, liaising and providing administrative support to the various committees involved in the processing of academic program proposals, corresponding with researchers in India and around the world and providing administrative support to the Director’s office for these and other similar tasks. Good communication and writing skills are essential for this.
Age : Under 35 years.
Tenure : Initial appointment will be for 1 year which may be extended depending upon performance.
Location : Mumbai
Salary will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience, qualification and potential and will not be a constraint for outstanding candidates. The selected candidate will be required to join immediately.
How to apply : Interested candidates should report for interview at ICTS office, Mumbai with a copy of their CVs and relevant original certificates stating the educational qualification/experience along with a photocopy of these documents. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
General Instructions:
1. International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) of TIFR invites highly motivated individuals possessing the prescribed qualification and experience for a walk in interview for the post of Project Program Assistant. Currently the person will be based in Mumbai with the possibility of eventually shifting to Bangalore. The selected candidate shall be offered consolidated salary based on the qualification and experience.
2. Outstanding candidates with proven track record and experience in multiple areas relating to office administration & management can be considered for a higher starting salary. The contract will be initially for a period of one year and may be extended further depending on the performance and requirement of the centre.
3. Essential Qualification & Experience: Post graduate degree, preferably in a science subject or mathematics, from a recognized university with minimum of 60% marks Familiarity with computers, internet and microsoft office applications Minimum one year of work experience in a similar job, preferably in an academic/research institution
4. This job involves providing administrative support for all the academic activities of the Centre, for example, liaising and providing administrative support to the various committees involved in the processing of academic program proposals, corresponding with researchers in India and around the world and providing administrative support to the Director’s office for these and other similar tasks. Good communication and writing skills are essential for this.
5. Tenure: Initial appointment will be for 1 year which may be extended depending upon performance. Salary will be commensurate with the candidate’s experience, qualification and potential and will not be a constraint for outstanding candidates. The selected candidate will be required to join immediately.
6. Interested candidates should report for interview on Monday 06 Feb 2012 at 1000hrs at ICTS office, Mumbai with a copy of their CVs and relevant original certificates stating the educational qualification/experience along with a photocopy of these documents.
7. Anyone holding a faculty position at any research and educational institution can submit a proposal for organizing a program at the ICTS. A typical proposal for organizing a program is expected to have two or more organizers. All successful Program Proposals will eventually be organized in the ICTS campus, which will come up in North Bangalore in the next 2-3 years . However, until that happens, ICTS programs must be organized at other places in India. For this reason, at present, it is preferable to have at least one of the organizers from an existing institution in India.
8. Program proposals can be submitted in any of the traditional areas of the physical and mathematical sciences, as well as in overlapping areas, which include the interface between cosmology, particle physics and string theory; new emergent areas of mathematics with applications to statistical physics, string theory, biology, finance and so on; computational science; complex systems like climate, fluids etc.
9. Proposals for organizing programs can be submitted on the ICTS website by following the link “ORGANIZE A PROGRAM”. All program proposals are scrutinized by a Program Committee of the ICTS. It consists of acknowledged leaders in different areas of science. Successful program proposals must have a positive recommendation from this Committee.
10. To receive a positive recommendation from the Program Committee, a program proposal must have the following: A description of the theme and objectives, explaining the scientific case and its timeliness and a list of specific topics to be covered in the program. Duration of the program and its justification in terms of expected research benefits and human resource development. Proposals with a strong human resource development component are encouraged.
11. A list of possible speakers and participants (preferably after consultations with a few of them). ICTS program Committee looks for quality participants and researchers in this list. It also tends to encourage strong participation by students. A budget consisting of itemized estimate of expenses (travel, board and lodge, organizational expenses, etc).
12. Full length proposals usually run for 6-12 weeks or longer. Examples of past full length program are: (a) Monsoon Workshop in String Theory
13. Short duration proposals, covering important developments in an area that requires a focused response, run for 2 weeks or more, but less than 6 weeks. A scientific case for the appropriateness of the duration needs to be made in the proposal.
14. School and conference on Multi scale Modeling and Simulations of Hard and Soft Materials International Program on Quantum Information Mini program proposals covering exciting new developments which require timely response can be submitted as very short duration programs.
15. Workshop on Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts International School and Conference on Cold Atoms and Ions A short conference in which recent results in the topics which are planned to be covered in the program can be included as a part of a full length (6-12 weeks) or short duration (2-4 weeks) program proposal.
16. ICTS is not a conference funding agency. Proposals for organizing conferences and workshops, as well as requests for partial funding of these, are outside the mandate of ICTS. All programs supported by ICTS must be organized entirely as ICTS programs, including preparation of a webpage for the program on the ICTS website, uploading instructional material generated by the program on the webpage, etc.
Tentative Last Date:20-02-2012
About the organization:
ICTS is a multi- and inter-disciplinary effort with a strong human resource development component. The main goals of ICTS are to foster research, be a resource for high level education and training, and reach out to the larger society by being a node for scientific information and values. The basic idea behind ICTS is to contribute critically to research excellence and strength in theoretical sciences through a well thought out, responsive, program of research activities and necessary education/training for the future. In this context, theoretical activities in traditional areas of the physical and mathematical sciences suggest themselves. However there will be emphasis on activities in areas overlapping traditional fields of science, keeping in mind that strength in individual disciplines lends to fruitful interdisciplinary collaborations. These areas include, for example, biological physics, computational science, complex systems, fluids, the interface between cosmology, particle physics and string theory, new emergent areas of mathematics with applications to biology, finance and so on. ICTS provides a platform and infrastructure to organize various activities in theoretical and mathematical sciences, at the forefront of knowledge. The emphasis is on activities in areas overlapping traditional fields of science. By planning for researchers to meet for critical periods of time that foster discussions and collaborations, the Centre helps focus creative scientific energy both for national growth, and as a resource for global science and for this region of the world. There is a profound need in India today to inspire students to take up careers in the basic sciences. One of the key ingredients in bringing this about (besides material issues) is the awareness among students of the fascinating questions science asks and tries to find answers to. The Centre will contribute to the flourishing of native talent by organizing interaction meetings of students (and their professors) with visiting scientists and scholars. Some of the research level activities of the Centre will be preceded by an instructional workshop, to enable young Indian and foreign participants to make the best use of the program. Students at the right stages of their career, who spend one or two semesters at the Centre, can benefit enormously from the activities of the Centre. An important aspect of ICTS, from the very beginning, has been to make freely available the proceedings of its activities in various formats. To facilitate this, the Centre maintains a Service Infomatique.
Address :
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
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