Thursday, 2 February 2012

Delhi University (DU) Recruitment - 2012

Job Description:
Applications are invited on the prescribed form for the following posts of Assistant Professor in various departments :

  • Assistant Professor : 390 posts in various departments, Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100

How to Apply : Candidates must possess the qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for respective posts. All the above posts carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances. Application forms and details regarding prescribed qualifications and eligibility conditions can be obtained from Room No.205, New Administrative Block, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007 either personally on any working day, or by sending a self‐addressed envelope. The same is also available at the University Website Applications should be send to the Registrar, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007

General Instructions:
1. NET /SLET / SET shall remain the minimum eligibility condition for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professors. Provided, however, that candidates, who are
or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009, shall beexempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET/SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions.
2. NET/SLET/SET shall not be required for such Master’s Degree Programmes in discipline for which NET/SLET/SET accredited test is not conducted.
3. A relaxation of 5% may be provided at the graduate and master’s level for the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / Differently-abled (Physically and visually differently-abled) categories for the purpose of eligibility and for assessing good academic record during direct recruitment to teaching positions. The eligibility marks of 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and the relaxation of 5% to the categories above are permissible, based on only the qualifying marks without including any grace mark procedures.
4. A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks to the Ph.D. Degree holders, who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19 September, 1991.
5. The period of time taken by candidates to acquire M.Phil. and / or Ph.D. Degree shall not be considered as teaching / research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching positions.
6. Qualifications are applicable as stipulated under the UGC regulations from time to time. Candidates must possess the qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for respective posts. All the above posts carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances. Application forms and details regarding prescribed qualifications and eligibility conditions can be obtained from Room No.205, New Administrative Block, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007 either personally on any working day, or by sending a self‐addressed envelope. The same is also available at the University Website .
7. The Number of Posts may vary with in the categories. It will be open to the University to consider names of suitable candidates who might not have applied. Merely fulfilling the minimum qualification or the eligibility criteria does not entitle a candidate to be necessarily considered or called for the interview.
8. The applications received may be screened for short listing and recommending the candidates to be called for interview on the basis of the criteria to be fixed by the duly constituted screening committee. University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised, if the circumstances so warrant.
9. Relaxation, if any, may be made in exceptional cases on the recommendations of the Selection Committee. Separate application is required for each post. Qualifications are applicable as stipulated under the UGC regulations from time to time.
10. The above posts are being advertised keeping in view the broad areas of specialization in the subjects. However, the Department concerned may have specific requirements of specialization.
11. Completed applications in the prescribed form may be sent to the Registrar, University of Delhi, Delhi‐ 110 007,

Tentative Last Date:21-02-2012

About the organization:
The University of Delhi is a premier university of the country and is known for its high standards in teaching and research and attracts eminent scholars to its faculty. It was established in 1922 as a unitary, teaching and residential university by an act of the Central Legislative Assembly. The President of India is the Visitor, the Vice President is the Chancellor and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India is the Pro-Chancellor of the University. The Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee are the authorities of the University. Following Officers of the University of Delhi are responsible for the administration of the University (iv) An employee who does not withdraw any amount from his Provident Fund account either as a loan or as final withdrawal shall be entitled to a Bonus on the subscription made by him during a financial year. Such Bonus shall be calculated at the rate of 3% of the subscription for such of the employees whose total emoluments do not exceed Rs. 500/- and at the rate of 1 % in case of those whose emoluments exceed Rs. 500/- per month. For purposes of calculation of Bonus the emoluments will be taken as on 31st March of the preceding year. However, in the case of subscribers whose Life Insurance Policies are financed through the Provident Fund subscription, the Bonus shall be calculated on the net subscription during the year after deducting the amount of Life Insurance premium paid during the year. The amount of Bonus so calculated shall be credited to the account of the subscriber at the end of each financial year. Note : The above provisions shall come into force from the financial year, 1975- 76. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Clauses of this Statute, all matters relating to, or arising out of the constitution and management of the Provident Fund specified in Clause (1) of this Statute shall in respect of the period prior to the 19th day of June, 1928, be governed and regulated by the original Statute made in that behalf on the 28th day of Septemeber 1922, by the Central Government in exercise of the powerconferred on it by Section 47 of the Act.When a subscriber leaves the University or dies in the service of the University, the Executive Council shall, on the recommendation of the Provident Fund Committee, make payment to him or his estate or person or persons nominated by him under Clause (4) out of the Provident Fund under the following conditions: If a subscriber leaves or dies before completing four years service, he shall be entitled to the amount which he himself has subscribed together with the interest thereon and the remaining amount shall be paid back to the University. If a subscriber leaves or dies after completing four yearsbut less than eight years service he shall be entitled to the full amount contributed by him with interest together with half of the amount contributed by the University with interest. If a subscriber leaves or dies after completing eight years service, he shall be entitled to the total amount standing to his credit in the Provident Fund on the date of his ceasing to be in service. When a sum becomes payable to a subscriber under items and (c) above, the Treasurer of the University will be entitled to deduct therefrom any amount due under any him to a pension or on whose account the University contributes towards his pension or who has been appointed by the University on a consolidated salary or on special terms. The Executive Council, may in the case of a person appointed to a substantive post, permit the transfer to the Provident Fund of any moneys standing to his credit in any recognised Provident Fund to which he was a subscriber immediately before his appointment in the University, and may, with his consent, make such arrangements with the authorities of that other Provident Fund for the purpose of the transfer, whether in the form of cash or of securities, or of both, as may be convenient. Every servant of the University entitled to the benefits of the Provident Fund shall be required to sign a written declaration in the prescribed form that he has read this Statute and agrees to abide by it, and shall hand in for registration in the University Office the names of the person or persons to whom he wishes the balance at his credit to be paid in the event of his death. Asubscriber may, from time to time, add or change his nominee by written application to the Executive Council. A register of such of nominees shall be kept in the University Office. The rate of subscription shall be 8-1/3% cf the monthly salary, rounded off to the nearest rupee, and the amount calculated on this basis shall be deducted from the monthly salary of the employee : Provided that a subscriber may be permitted to subscribe a higher percentage of his salary in whole rupees subject to a maximum to be fixed by the Executive Council. Provided further that no subscription or contribution shall be made to the Provident Fund by an employee who is on leave without pay. The University shall, in the case of each employee, contribute to the Fund a sum equal to such percentage of his salary, rounded off to the nearest rupee as may be approved by the Central Government : Provided that in the case of a person holding a permanent post in the University immediately before the commencement of the Delhi University (Amendment) Act, 1952, the rate of contribution by the University shall not be less than that which was payable by it immediately before such commencement.purpose of determining pension and death-cum-retirement gratuity; the dearness allowance granted from 1st May, 1973 and thereafter shall not be treated as emoluments. These rules will also apply to the employee who opts for the existing rules of pay and retires from service without coming over to the revised scales of pay.

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