Job Description:
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following posts in Punjab University in various Departments/ Subjects :
1. Director-Professor : 01 post
2. Professor : 25 posts
3. Associate Professor : 17 posts
4. Assistant Professor : 175 posts
5. Assistant Professor – cum- Assistant Director : 03 posts
Application Fee : Payee Bank Draft of the Rs. 375/- (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST category) payable at Chandigarh in favour of the Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to the Deputy Registrar (Estt.), Punjab University, Chandigarh
General Instructions:
1. The Applicants who applied for the posts of Assistant Professor in Advt.No.15/2011 need not to apply again. However, if they wish to update any fresh achievement listed in their biodata, they can do so.
2. The selection for advertised SC/ST Category posts are subject to the decision of CWP No. 18242 of 2011. 1. 3% posts are reserved (out of total strength of Professors, Associate Professors/Assistant Professors) for physically handicapped persons with Locomotors disability or Blindness or Low vision, subject to eligibility, suitability and fitness for the job.
3. The Vice-Chancellor could place before the Selection Committee names of suitable persons for its consideration along with the applications received in response to the advertisement. If any information supplied by the candidate in his application form is found to be incorrect/false at any stage, his candidature/selection will stand cancelled.
4. The number of posts can be increased or decreased as per need at the time of selection. Conditions given in the Detailed Instructions supplied with the application form shall also be applicable.
5, University reserves the right not to fill any of the above posts. Details of Advertisement and application form alongwith “Detailed Instructions” for candidates will be available on Website: Application form along with Detailed Instructions can be had either from Form Counter, Panjab University, Chandigarh, on payment of 375/- ( 150/- for SC/ST Category) or the candidates may download application form from the Website and may also attach Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) Proforma, wherever applicable, available on website and submit duly filled-in all respects, along with the crossed A/c Payee Bank Draft of the 375/- ( 150/- for SC/ST Category) payable at Chandigarh in favour of the Registrar, Panjab University, Chandigarh. The Screening Criteria & Weightages Template to be used in Selection Committees for academic record and research performance etc. are available on University website.
Tentative Last Date:31-01-2012
About the organization:
Born on 1st April, 1937, at Calcutta, Shri M. Hamid Ansari, obtained a Masters Degree in Political Science from Aligarh Muslim University. He joined the Indian Foreign Service in 1961. In a career span of over three and a half decades, he served as Ambassador of India to UAE, Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia, as High Commissioner to Australia and Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations in New York. He was awarded the Padma Shri in 1984. Shri Ansari has written on various aspects of foreign policy, especially West Asia. In 2004 he edited a book titled “Iran Today: Twenty Five Years After the Islamic Revolution”. He has written several academic and newspaper articles on issues of foreign policy. Another book, “Travelling through conflict: Essays on the politics of West Asia” was published in 2008. Shri Ansari has served as Vice-Chancellor of the Aligarh Muslim University during 2000-2002. He has been Visiting Professor, Centre for West Asian and African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and at the Academy for Third World Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi. Shri Ansari has been Member of the National Security Advisory Board, Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Oil Diplomacy and Co-Chairman of the India-U.K. Round Table. He was also the Chairman of the Working Group on ‘Confidence building Measures across segments of society in the State’ established by the second Round Table Conference of the Prime Minister on Jammu & Kashmir. Before his election as the Vice-President of India on 10 August 2007, Shri Ansari has been Chairman of the Fifth Statutory National Commission for Minorities during the period March, 2006 to July, 2007.
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