Job Description:
Applications on the prescribed form are invited and should reach the office of the Assistant Registrar (Recruitment)
- Professor (Pay Scale Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Director (Pay Scale Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.10000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Deputy Director (Pay Scale Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.8000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Assistant Director (Pay Scale Rs.15600 – 39100 AGP Rs. 6000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Associate Professor (Pay Scale Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.9000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Joint Registrar (Pay Scale Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.89000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Placement Officer (Pay Scale Rs.15600 – 39100 AGP Rs. 6000) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
- Additional Controller of Examination (Rs.37400-67000 AGP Rs.8900) : posts in various disciplines/ subjects
How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format For the post of Professor and Associate Professor, the candidates are required to have a minimum score of 400 and 300 respectively in the Academic Performance Indicator(API) based Performance Based Appraisal System(PBAS), set out in UGC Regulations – 2010 in Appendix – III, Table 1 , Category – III of UGC Regulations attached with the Application Form. For the post of Director, Physical Education/Deputy Director, Physical Education, the candidates are required to have a minimum score of 400 and 300 respectively in the Academic Performance Indicator(API) based Performance Based Appraisal System(PBAS), set out in UGC Regulations – 2010 in Appendix – III, Table –IV, Category – III (attached with the Application Form).
General Instructions:
i) Detailed Advertisement Notice along-with the Application Forms is available on the University website / and be sent to the Recruitment Section along-with the Bank Draft of Rs.500/- pledged to the REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR, SRINAGAR -190006 payable at J&K Bank, Ltd. University Campus, Hazratbal, Srinagar. No Postal Order will be accepted. Cost of application form once deposited shall not be refundable.
ii) Relevant grade which is regarded as equivalent of 55% wherever the grading system is followed by a recognized University shall also be considered eligible.
iii) The appointment shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the University, University Grants and the Union Ministry y of Human Resource Development.
iv) Candidates with Ph.D. degree having passed their Master’s Degree prior to 19 September, 1991 having secured 50% or more marks in the Master’s Degree Examination shall also be eligible to apply for the post of Assistant Professor.
v) Candidates who are with M.Phil/Ph.D should mention against the Column ‘Academic Record’ the name of the University/Institution along-with the name of Guide/Co-guide under whose guidance he/she has completed the degree.
vi) The Vice-Chancellor is empowered to place before the Selection committee suitable persons for its consideration along-with the applications received in response to the advertisement;
vii) Services are transferable between the different Satellite Campuses of the University of Kashmir;
viii) Only those candidates should apply for the posts, who fulfill all eligibility conditions by the last date of submission of Application Forms in the University.
ix) The interview call letters shall be sent under Speed /Registered post. However, the University shall not be responsible for any postal delay/lapse, whatsoever.
x) Applications of Government servants should be sent through the Administrative Authority concerned, the University Employees through the Registrar of their respective Universities. Applications not routed through the respective channels are liable to be rejected. Candidates may send advance copy of the application form along-with the requisite fee (wherever applicable) before the last of receipt of application.
xi) Candidates to be called for interview shall have to produce the original documents relating to their age, qualifications, experience and fitness etc. at the time of interview.
xii) Candidates invited for interview shall not be paid any T.A. and D.A.
xiii) Impersonation or submission of false/fabricated/tampered documents or making incorrect/false statements by a candidate, will, in addition to debarring him / her permanently or for a specific period from any employment in the University, also render him/her liable for criminal prosecution.
xiv) Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of the candidate will lead to disqualification.
xv) All enclosures attached with the application form should be self-attested by the candidate.
xvi) The University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised, if circumstances so warrant, without assigning any reason thereof.
xvii) The University shall verify the antecedents of all documents submitted at any time at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be terminated forthwith.
Tentative Last Date:25-02-2012
About the organization:
Situated at Hazratbal, an idyllic area on the western side of the fabulous Dal Lake of Srinagar and held in veneration by the Muslims for the beautiful mosque that enshrines the holy hair of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the University of Kashmir is spread over 263 acres of lush green land with three adjacent campuses of exquisite beauty, Amar Singh Bagh, Naseem Bagh and Mirza Bagh. Amar Singh Bagh is located on the bank of the Dal having on its other three sides a background of mountainous amphitheatre rising to a great height above its crystal clear water. Naseem Bagh, or “the garden of breezes”, laid originally by Emperor Akbar, is a magnificient grove of chinar trees, facing the artificially formed island, Sona Lank or the Golden Island, in the centre of the northern portion of the Dal. Mirza Bagh, now the “University Town”, housing the residential quarters for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the University, is situated on the bank of the famous, Nageen Lake. The unique combination of lake and mountain scenery, and the impressive calm and serene ambience provide a highly congenial atmosphere for the philosopher’s contemplation and the scientist’s research. The University arose out of humble origins immediately after Independence when in 1948 the State Government established an institute for conduct of examinations with its headquarters at Srinagar, Justice J. N. Wazir being its Honorary Vice-Chancellor. This was followed by a noble effort by the authorities to revive the old tradition of learning and teaching, an essential feature of ancient Kashmir, through the establishment of three postgraduate departments in 1956 – English at Srinagar, and Economics and Geology at Jammu. Thus came into being a full-fledged University, then christerned the University of Jammu and Kashmir, with Mr. A. A. Fyzee as its first whole-time Vice-Chancellor. The University was shifted to the present campus, known as Amar Singh Bagh, when the land was donated by Dr. Karan Singh, the second Chancellor of the University. A lay-out plan was prepared by Mr. Fayaz-ud-Din, Chief Town Planner from what is now Andhra Pradesh and Mr. G. B. Mhatra, an eminent architect of Bombay. With financial assistance provided by the University Grants Commission and the State Government, a series of construction works began at the Campus in 1959, with the foundation stone laid for the Arts Faculty Block by Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad, the then Prime Minister of the State, on 5 June 1959. The Faculty was commissioned on 1 August 1960 by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the then Vice-President of the country. In 1965 the University was reorganized and divided into two divisions of equal status; one for the province of Jammu and the other for the province of Kashmir – with a central organization having specific legislative and executive powers relating to budget, finance, planning, coordination, improvement of standards of teaching and examinations and devising of courses of studies. Each division had its own executive body to run the day-to-day administration and its own academic bodies to formulate programmes and policies. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor was the chief executive and academic officer of the concerned division while the Vice-Chancellor was the principal executive and academic head of the whole University. Mr. G. A. Mukhtar, the then Education Advisor to the State Government was appointed the first Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Kashmir division. By an ordinance promulgated by the Governor of the State of J&K on 5 September 1969 – which was subsequently replaced by an Act of the State Legislature and was published in the Government Gazette on 10 November 1969, the University of Jammu and Kashmir was bifurcated into two full-fledged Universities : the University of Jammu and the University of Kashmir. Accordingly, the statutes and regulations of the Jammu and Kashmir University Act, 1965 were modified. Since 1956, this academic institution has come a long way and has developed into a multi-faculty University, imparting instruction in various subjects in the Faculty of Arts, Languages, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine, Dental Surgery, Engineering, Music and Fine Arts and Non-formal Education, all manned by academics with considerable teaching and research experience, some of whom occupy places of eminence in the academic world.
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