Friday, 30 September 2011

Life Insurance Corporation Of India South Central Office Recruit FSE's - 2011

The South Central Office of Life Insurance Corporation Of India, Hyderabad Recruit the Financial Service Executives (FSE's) on contract basis of three years.

Post name : Financial Service Executives 

Number of Posts : The total number of posts is 66.

Age Limit : The age as on 01/09/2011 the candidate should be minimum 21 years and maximum 25 years.

Age Relaxation : There is also the age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC and Ex-Servicemen candidates.
i) SC/ST : Upper age limit is 40 years.
ii) OBC : Upper age limit is 38 years.
iii) Ex- Servicemen : Upper age limit is 35 years (age relaxation as per government rules).

Selection Procedure : The selection is based on the Written test as well as by Interview. The selected candidates who passed the written test, go through the interview process.

Syllabus : The written test will be of Objective Type. The syllabus for the Written Test is :
i) Reasoning.
ii) Numerical Ability.
iii) General Knowledge.

Application Fee : The application of Rs.100/- (Other than SC/ST Candidates) is submitted in the form of Demand Draft drawn in the favor of Life Insurance Corporation Of India and payable at Head Quarters of The Divisional Office which the candidate chooses.

How to Apply : The candidate have to submit the application form in the prescribed format. The application should be properly signed. The application form format is available on the LIC website, candidate should check the website. The application form with the Demand Draft and also with the Attested Photocopies of various documents must be send to The Senior Division Manager, LIC Of India, Divisional Office ( which the candidate chooses.

Must Know
Last date : 15/10/2011

Read the full advertisement from here

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Resume Writing

Your resume is a brief summary of your professional life written in a paragraph form. On the other hand, your CV for short, sometimes also referred to as a bio-data, is a structured delineation of your biographical information. However, in practice the term resume is to mean CV. Here also the terms have been used interchangeably.

The job market has a peculiar dual nature. The demand supply equation works both ways. As a job-seeker, you are in the market with a need or a demand for good employment. Companies on the other hand also have a demand for people from supply of job-seekers.

In today's scenario, both the markets are in short supply. There are not enough good people to go around all the companies. Yet there are not enough good jobs to go around for all the people. Under these circumstances an individual is nowhere in the job  market if he cannot distinguish himself. But he will have enormous demand if he can stand out from the crowd. Even then, unfortunately 99% of applications have nothing that distinguish them from others. They usually comprise a CV and a standard covering letter.

The CV has following items :

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • A table showing educational institutions and marks/ grades for class X and XII, bachelor's and post graduate level
  • Hobbies

Let's look at each item on the CV :
i) The name is irrelevant to the selection process. Most applications for a given job are those of a similar age. ii) The address and phone number are only for logistical reason.
iii) Every one has passed class X and XII and college and most have same kind of post graduate qualification.
iv) Except for the few who have a big name institution in college or post graduation, again there is very little to choose from.

The positive in all of this is that this is a wonderful opportunity. If you can make your job application different and if you can do that in the right way, then you are definitely going to get the attention of the recruiter and you will benefit from the present situation in the job market. Prepare a standard CV and it should be customised for the job and the company you are applying for so that it looks unique. This means that for each job re-mould your CV and not just keep on photocopying your CV and sending it.

In general your CV have different headings :

  •  Name
  •  Contact Details
  •  Education
  •  Professional Qualifications
  •  Work Experience (if any)
  •  Extra Curricular Activities
  •  Special Achievements
  •  References

Some CV's have additional headings such as :

  • Career Objective
  • Skills
  • Portfolios
  • Summary

Types of CVs :
Depending on the job you applying for and, more important, depending on the strong points in you, you can choose that which is most suitable for you :

1) Functional CV:
A functional CV is best if you already have a fair amount of work experience. You can then arrange the information in your CV according to the work experience you have. 

2) Skills CV :
The second approach to writing a CV is the skills-based CV. This is suitable if you are applying for Job that calls for specific skills, such as 'software programmer'. Here, you would do well to use the various languages/ platforms that you are familiar with as the headings. Under each skill you could highlight your specific strengths  
, education and experience pertaining to that skill.

3) Chronological CV :
The chronological CV structure is suitable for most fresh graduates. Here you would arrange the key elements of your CV in date order. The usual way is to put education in date order and summer trainings or any other work experience in reverse date order.

Your CV would highlight your aptitudes, skills and personality in the context of the job you are applying for and should, therefore, be unique. Not only should it be different from other applications, it should also be different from your applications to other companies. Of course, you have to be prepared to invest time and money to develop separate CVs for each jab that you apply to.

Group Discussion Tips

Group Discussion is a process in which all the successful candidates of the written test, whose number is about eight times the number of vacancies, are dived into groups of 6-10 candidates each. Every group is assigned a specific topic or a case study to deliberate upon. The group of 6-10 candidates then carries the entire discussion forward and the supervising panel neither intervenes nor participates in it. The group is left to evolve itself while the panel observes ans assesses the performance and attributes of all the candidates from a distance. The candidates display their knowledge and view points and exchange ideas on the subject-matter given to the group. It is a dynamic situation wherein every candidate wants to grab the opportunity to speak and express himself so as to influence the panel. The time for a group discussion is about 25 minutes or so. The medium of the GD almost in English, through sometimes a choice is given to the group to speak in Hindi or English. For the sake of convenience the candidates are seated in a circular or elliptical formation. They are given chest number or have their name plates displayed in front of them for identification.
Generally, the panel recommends only two candidates from a particular group for onward process of selection. Occasionally, one or three aspirants may be successful depending upon exceptionally bad or good individual performances and the level of GD.

Objectives of group discussion :
The candidates called for GD and personal interview have proven written test results. A GD is conducted to test the candidates if they exhibit potential to face and thrive in decision- making challenges in terms of real life management process. The qualities a panel looks for in prospective candidate are mainly :

i) knowledge of the topic :
It is tested whether a candidate has enough intellectual level compared to his IQ level peers. Since most of the current affairs topics in GD are from social, political, economic, international or environment issues, the candidate's reaction and knowledge is evaluated. In case studies, the stress in on quick grasp of the situation, decision-making and problem solving ability of the candidates. The originality of the candidates comes out into the open.

ii) Development of the theme :
This is about the ability of a candidate to substantiate and elaborate his point if view. His instant ideas and effective solutions comes under scrutiny. The panel evaluates how a person builds up his case, speaks extempore and comes to a logical conclusion.

iii) Leadership Quality :
Even among intellectually qualified persons there ahas to be leader. Leadership means to be able to influence the group and carry the group along. Qualities like drive, initiative, coordination and conviction are tested. It is seen if the candidate can be a part of the team and later subtly but steadily assume leadership. It is not to be confused with sheer domination in the group by rendering others unable to speak. It is quite possible that the leader will certainly be opposed by a few, but he should be accepted by the majority.

iv) Communication Ability :
It means effective expression of ideas and how a candidate can converse in a group. A candidate should exhibit quality of narration, address, voice, and description so as to make people listen to him. Don't forget that communication also includes ability to listen to others. To be an effective manager, you can not really totally on yourself but have to convince others and be inclusive.

v) Logical and Analytical Approach :
This attributes relates to the objectivity in your approach and thinking process. You should have logical ideas based upon prevailing socio-economic and legally accepted reasoning. The overall approach should be for the good and benefit of the society and the nation.

Attributes which the GD Panel Observe :

i) Leadership Ability :

  • Drive.
  • Initiative and Enterprise.
  • Shouldering Responsibility.
  • Positive Intervention and Coordination.
  • Objectivity and Logical Ability.

ii) Communication Skills :

  • Fluency.
  • Cogency and Convincing Power.
  • Impact of Address.
  • Presentation of Ideas.
  • Listening to Others.
  • Concise and clear-cut view point.

iii) Knowledge and Information :

  • Grasp of the Subject Matter.
  • Range of Ideas.
  • Originality.
  • Development of the Theme.
  • Value Addition.
  • Elaboration.
iv) Group Behavior :
  • Persuasive Ability.
  • To be able to carry the group along.
  • To be able to get along with the group.
v) Negative Attributes :
  • Extremism in Views.
  • Use of foul Language.
  • Not following the Instructions.
  • Aggressive Body Language.
  • Worthless Shouting.

Interview Tips

Are you looking for a job? if, yes than you have to be well prepared for the job interview.

Our work is to provide you best interview tips which helps you to grab your dream job. If you follow these tips, than i am sure that you get your dream job, these tips are really helpful.
There are four most important tips that i want to share with you all.

1) Pre-Interview Advice :
The first thing is that your Resume or Curriculam vitae must be look professional. there are also some resume writers who write your resume.
Before you go for the interview you should have knowledge about the company or organisation, you should have the figures about organisation like.. company strength, company turnover, when the company was established etc.It gives the good impression of your attitude about the company to the interviewer.
The next thing is that, you should also have the clear idea about the role of you in the job specified. The skills and the qualification required for the specific job should be understood by the candidates. And before going for the interview candidates must do some mock interview with their friends or with family members.
You must reach 20 minutes earlier at the interview place.

2) Dress Code Of The Candidate :
The person should be formals i.e in pent and shirts of light color and also well shaved. The pent is of dark color and shirt is of light color is a good choice. In case of females, their dress code is suits and also pent shirt, you also make a moderate make up if you want.
Before going for the job interview the person should not have tobacco and the person should not chew gum while giving the interview. If you want to used perfume than you should be careful that the perfume must be in down tone.

3) During The Interview :
Before go into the job interview room, you have to take permission to get in. After entering into the room you can shake hand with the interviewer and at that time you should look into the eyes of interviewer not forget eye contacting with the interviewer during the interview.
Now, the interviewer put questions forward on you, if you don't know the answer than don't be panic or hesitate, be cool and positive. Maintain the eye contact with the interviewer while he/she talking with you.
The most important point is that , if interviewer put questions on your previous company or organisation than don't give the negative response regarding your company or about the employees of your previous company.
Now at the end make sure that to collect the references and be positive that the references provided is in your favor.

4) Proper Body Language :
At the time of entering into the interview room your back should be straight and while you sitting down on a chair, your shoulder should not be stooping this reflect the lack of confidence in you to the interviewer. So be in proper body language while entering and sitting and in whole interview process you should be in proper body language.

5) Be Honest :
Interviewer respects your honesty so, don't be over smart at the time of interview, be honest and don't give the answers which points that you lie.

Here we provide you the top 15 questions, which are most common during the interview. These questions helps you to do well during the interview. You have to practice for these questions by the mock test with your friends and relatives and obtain a good answer of each questions.
About 4-6 questions are comes from these. So practice them and gain a good result.
The questions are as follows :

1. How did you know about the interview?
2. Why you want to do job with this company?
3. Tell me your weakness and strengths.
4. What are your salary expectations?
5. What is your knowledge about this company?
6. What do you do in your spare time?
7. Why did you choose your college and study stream?
8. Give example of your creativity.
9. What is your dream job?
10. How do you handle rejection?
11. Tell us about your school project or your job project.
12. Describe your ideal career.
13. Why should we take you?
14. Are you willing to travel?
15. Are there any questions would you like to ask us?

By giving the good answer of these questions in the interview, you are going to be good for the job vacancy.

Commonly asked MBA interview questions :
1) Why you decide to apply for this management institute?
2) What are your expectation from MBA programme?
3) Where do you see yourself in the coming years?
4) How can you define team work?
5) What are your strength?
6) What are your weaknesses?
7) What are your hobbies?
8) About your previous academic background knowledge.
9) Your work experience
10)About your character and value, your definition of success.
11)Tell me something about yourself?
12)What have you done to improve your knowledge in the past year?
13)What is your aim in life?
14)Describe your carrier aspiration.
15)How would you describe to others in less than 5 words.
16)Why MBA and why now?
17)What are your long term goals?
18)What does failure mean to you?
19)What is your best achievement in life till now?
20)What is more important money or type of work?

Best Of Luck!

Recruitment Procedure

There are many interview boards/ selection committees for the purpose of interviewing candidates for jobs under the government, the Autonomous bodies set up by government and semi - government bodies , Public Sector Undertakings, large Private companies and area-specific local companies. Each have different job profile and though  they assess more or less the same qualities in an individual through an interview, they often have different qualifications fixed for them.

1) Staff Selection Commission & Public Service Commission :
The Central Government recruits its personnel through UPSC (Gazetted Officers) and through SSC (Non-Gazetted Officers). The UPSC conducts Civil Service Examination in which recruitment's are made to Indian Police Service, Indian Administrative Service, Post and Telegraphs, Audit and Accounts, Indian Foreign Service, Revenue Service, Railways, Customs , Excise, Indian Information Service and other group 'B' section officer grade services. The civil services examination is a three stage exam with preliminary test followed by written exam and then interview.
ii) The UPSC also conducts examination/ interview for Engineering Service, Indian Forest Service, Economic Service, Combined Medical Service, National Defense Academy, Combined Defense Service. The UPSC many a time advertise for different odd posts in Central Government and different Union Territories and straightaway call for an interview. These are mainly the senior level positions and not for fresh graduates/ post graduates without experience.
iii) There are several state public service commission which conducts examinations for selection to  state specific Government services at group 'B' and 'C' level. The jobs includes state civil services and education, engineering, medicine services etc. of the state government.

2) Government Autonomous Bodies :
There are several institutes like CSIR (Scientific and Industrial Research) and ICAR (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) which recruits their group 'A' staff through recruitment boards constituted by these bodies. The technical and other group 'B' and group 'C' staff are mostly recruited by the different units of these autonomous bodies at local level.
Then there are central and state universities having colleges which recruit personnel, both teaching and non- teaching. The non-teaching staff is recruit through the local level examination and for the teaching the staff is recruited through the UGC guidelines through National Eligibility test and then interview.

3) Railways :
The railways recruit the Non-gazetted employees through different Railway Recruitment Boards, presently functioning at the nine railways zone headquarters. The posts are mainly of Assistant Station Masters, Drivers, Mechanics and similar ones. The advertisement keep on coming around the year.

4) SSC (Staff Selection Commission) :
The SSC holds the following examinations :
i) Clerk's Cadre Examination.
ii) Inspectors of Central Excise, Income Tax, etc. examinations
iii) Stenographers' Grade 'C' examination
iv) Stenographers' Grade 'D' examination
v) Auditors/ UDC/ Divisional Accounts etc. examination.
vi) Assistant's grade examination
vii) Police Sub-Inspectors' Examination
viii) Investigators Examination
ix) Transmission Executive Examination
x) Assistants' Grade Examination
xi) Teachers in Municipal Corporation of Delhi
xii) Hindi Translators' Examination
xiii) Senior Observers' Examination

5) Private Sector Companies :
There are some nationally and internationally reputed Indian Private Concerns, namely Reliance, Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd( TISCO), Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Wipro, Infosys etc. They mostly avoid written examination as part of their selection procedure and either recruit through campus interviews or through open interviews. The pay/ perks are negotiable and rise/ promotion in the organisation is entirely depends upon the performance of the individual. With globalisation several international organisations have set up branches in India. They are Hyundai, Daewoo, Pepsi, Coca-Cola etc. Recruitment in them is generally through campus interviews. Besides, several domestic financial institutions like ICICI, IDBI etc. in the market. 

6) Local Companies :
With the opening up of economy, several companies in the service sector, dotcoms, coaching institutes, Internet services and other small manufacturing units have come up. They and other local companies advertise in newspapers for different job positions like Medical Representatives, Sales Manager, Computer Operator, Receptionist etc. Selection in them are mostly through walk -in interview.

Aptitude Test Syllabus

Many of the candidates don't know the syllabus of the aptitude test so, we provide you the syllabus for aptitude test here :
There are five sections in test but in some exams there are only four sections i.e no Data Interpretation Section. The five sections are :
1) Test of English Language.
2) Test of Quantitative Ability.
3) Test of Reasoning.
4) Test of Data Interpretation.
5) General Awareness.

Now, the details of each section is provided below :

1) Test of English Language :
i) Reading Comprehension.
ii) Vocabulary.
iii) English Grammar and Sentence Correction.
iv) Jumbled Sentences.

2) Test of Quantitative Ability :
i) Quadratic Equations
ii) Progressions
iii) Permutations and Combinations
iv) Probability
v) Statistics
vi) Special Equations
vii) Inequalities and Modulus
viii) Number Systems
ix) Trigonometry
x) Coordinate Geometry
xi) Functions and Graphs
xii) Operator based questions
xiii) Simple Equations
xiv) Ratio - Proportion - Variation
xv) Percentages - Profit & Loss - Partnerships
xvi) Number Systems
xvii) Geometry and Mensuration
xviii) Time and Distance
xix) Time and Work
xx) Averages - Mixtures - Alligations
xxi) Simple Interest - Compound Interest - Annuities
xxii) Indices - Surd's
xxiii) Logarithms

3) Test of Reasoning :
i) Number and Letter Series
ii) Number and Letter Analogies
iii) Coding and Decoding
iv) Odd Man Out
v) Venn Diagrams
vi) Clocks
vii) Calenders
viii) Symbols and Notations
ix) Direction Sense
x) Blood Relations
xi) Analytical Puzzles

4) Test of Data Interpretation :
i) Data Tables
ii) Pie Charts
iii) 2 - Dimensional Graphs
iv) Bar Graphs
v) 3 - Dimensional Graphs
vi) Venn Diagrams
vii) Geometrical Diagrams
viii) Pert Charts
ix) Stack Bar Graphs

5) General Awareness :
i) History
ii) Geography
iii) Sports
iv) Banking
v) Computers
vi) Others

All The Best !

Test Taking Tips

Tips important goal of your test preparation is to help you to give the best possible account of yourself by effectively using your knowledge to answer the examination questions.
First, get rid of any negative attitudes towards the test. Your attitude is negative if you view the test as a device to "trip you up" rather than an opportunity to show how effectively you have earned.

Approach the test with self confidence :
Working through the book is a difficult job, and after you have done it you will be better prepared than the 90% of the people taking the book. Self confidence is one of the biggest strategic assets you can bring to the testing room.
Nobody likes test but some people actually permit themselves to get upset or angry when they see what they think is an unfair test. This can only hurt your score. Keep calm and move right ahead. Anger, resentment, and fear all slow you down and impair your judgement. Besides, every test you take, is a valuable experience that improves your skills.
Keep calm, there is no point in panic . If you have done your work, there is no need for it; if you have not, a cool head is your requirement.
At the last, this post should remove some of the fear and mystery that surrounds examination. A certain amount of concern is normal and good, but excessive worry saps your strength and keenness.
"be prepared emotionally"

Tips that helps you definitely :
If you know any others who are taking the test, you will probably find it helpful to review the questions and your notes with them. The group should be small, certainly not more than 12 members. Team study should seek to review the material in the different way from the way you learned it originally; strive for an exchange of ideas. Be selective in sticking to important ideas, and stress the vogue and the unfamiliar rather then which you all know well. End sessions as soon as you get tired.
One of the worst strategies in test-taking is to try to do all of your preparation the night before the exam. Cramming is the very good way to guarantee poor test results. Schedule your study properly so as not to suffer from the fatigue and emotional disturbance that come from cramming the night before.
However, you would be wise to review your notes in 48 hours preceding the exam. You should not to have spend more than two or three hours in way. Stick to salient points. The other will fall into place quickly.
Don't confuse cramming with a final, calm review that helps you focus on the significant areas of the test and further strengthens your confidence in your ability to handle the test questions.
"prepare yourself factually"

Keep fit, mind and body work together. Poor physical conditions will lower your mental efficiency. In preparing for an examination, observe the commonsense rules of the health. Get sufficient sleep and rest, eat proper food, plan recreation and exercise.
In relation to health and examination, two cautions are in order.
i) Don;t miss your meals prior to an examination in order to get extra time for study.
ii) Don't miss your regular sleep by sitting up late to "cram" for the examination. Cramming is an attempt to learn in very short period of time what should have been learned through regular and consistent study. Not only are these two habits detrimental to health, but seldom do they pay off in terns of effective learning. It is likely that you will be more confused rather than better better prepare on the day of examination if you have broken into your daily routine by missing your meals and sleep.
" on the night of the examination, go to bed at your regular time and try to get the good night sleep. Don't go to the movies. Don;t date. In other words prepare yourself physically."

This question is arriving every time in our mind when we studying. We think that how can i improve our performance , how can i study well? The answer of your questions is here :

  • Make a time table for daily routine.
  • Get up early in the morning and go for a morning walk and read the newspaper.
  • Must be attentive in the class.
  • Listen the teachers carefully.
  • Make a note of all points discussed in your notebook.
  • Put as many questions to the teacher again and again if you could not follow the method or could not clear the concept.
  • Note down the points discussed by the teacher in the note book if you could clear the concept. use pen of many colors.
  • Make a practice at home and revise all the problems in detail and make short note for study.
  • Even if there are still some points you could not follow, must put questions to the teacher the next day.
  • Provide time to each subject daily.
  • Give extra time to the subject in which you are weak.
  • You may request to the teacher to give extra time for you. He will surely help because you are truthful and honest.
  • Discuss your weak subjects with friends who are good in that subject.
  • Enjoy study in the class and do not nervous. "Rich men have no faults".
  • Must help your family members as and when you find the leisure time. This will give you satisfaction. This will also enhance your confidence because human is a social animal.
  • One who has worked hard rounds the year keeping all the suggestions given above in mind is very well on the right track.
  • Hopefully, at this stage you will find yourself more confident about the problems discussed in the class. As such you will find yourself at the stage to face any challenge boldly posed by the so called examination.
  • Read books describe your syllabus like - Made in China, Think Big, One Minute Manager, You Can Win etc.
  • Be remember "books are for nothing but to inspire"

IP University (Indraprsta University)

Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is situated in Delhi and is the very much famous university in north India. It offers many courses like MCA, BCA ,MBA etc. ,it also offers engineering course which is top rated. I f you ant to do engineering from here than you have to give the CET test of the university, through which you can take admission in different colleges of engineering affiliated to the university.
The colleges affiliated to this university have very good placement record and there are about 80 colleges affiliated to this in Delhi and NCR. There is great demand of engineering graduates in Delhi and NCR.

Eligibility Criteria :
The eligibility criteria for engineering program is:
i) Candidate must passed the 12 class with physics, chemistry and maths (PCM) from recognised board / university.
For all other courses the eligibility criteria is different so, to take admission in other courses, i suggest you to read the eligibility criteria from the university website.

Selection Process :
The selection is same as all other engineering entrance exams. The selection process is as follows:
i) Written Test :
There is the written test called CET. It is multiple choice question test.
a) After passing the CET there is counselling related to marks obtained by the candidates.
b) After counselling, the college is allotted to you.

Syllabus :
The syllabus of CET consists of three parts i.e.
i) Physics
ii) Chemistry
iii) Mathematics
Topics comes from the physics, chemistry and maths are of 11th and 12 th class.

Exam Pattern:
The exam pattern of CET is:
i) The exam is of two and a half hours.
ii) Total marks is 600.
ii) Number of questions are 150.
iv) There is also a negative marking for each wrong answer.
v) Each question consists of equal marking scheme.

IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade)

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT) is one of the top institute of india. It provides education in international trade management and established in 1963 by the government of india to encorge the education in international trade and bussiness and to incerase trade from the other countries.
There are several programmes offered by the IIFT, you have to select one of the program from these to study. To take admission in IIFT you have to go through the selection procedure adopted by the IIFT i.e. written test, group discussion, essay writing and personal interview.

Courses Offered by IIFT :
There are several courses ofered by IIFT:

1) MBA (International Business) :
The MBA in International Business program offered by IIFT is to provide the education regarding the international trade and business.It covers all the imporatant areas and disicipline about the international bussines.
Eligibility Criteria :
Eligibility criteria for MBA in International Management are as follows:
i) Candidate must hold at least three years Bachelor's Degree from the recognized University/Institute.
ii) There is no age limit for this course.
iii) Candidates who are in their final year, they may also apply but, they have to provide the education proof at the time of admission.

2) MBA International Business (part time) :
If you doing job somewhere than this is the best option for you to join this course. This is the part time corse i.e. you dont ahve to go college regularly, there are timing sets for the candidates i.e. in evening or in morning and on weekends.
Eligibility Criteria :
i) Candidates should hold the minimum three years Bachelor's Degree from recognized University.
ii) Minimum three years experience after graduation.
iii) There is no age limt for this course to join.

3) Executive PG Diploma in International Business (EPGDIB) :
EPGDIB program provide the scientific research of the international business. Tis course is for those who are executive and they want to upgarde yourself or want to refresh their knowledge without interupting their job activities.
Eligibility Criteria :
i) To take admission in this course, candidates must hold the Post graduate degree from recognized university/ institute and have minimum three years of job experience.
Candidates hold the bachelor's degree from reconised university and have minimum five years of work experience.
ii) There is no age limit.

4) Certificate Program in Export Management :
This is only a certificate program not a degree prgram. The duration of the course is about four months.If you want to do certifacte prgram to boost yourself than go for it!
Eligibility Criteria :
Candidates must have three years bachelor's degree from recognized institute/ university OR diploma holders with minimum two years work experience which is has to be full time experience in any industry or in government sector.

Important Dates :
Start date of application form : September
Last date : last week of October
Exam date : December
Result date : January

FMS (Faculty of Management Studies)

FMS (Faculty of Management Studies) is one of the most reputed MBA college in India. It provides world class education to the students. The faculty of FMS is very much educated and very helpful, they provides you better knowledge about the management. It is situated in Delhi, which is one of the best cities to live and to do job, we also called Delhi as a industrial hub of north India.
When we come to fees, FMS is comes on the top, fees is very much less than the other business schools in India. Due to this very large number of candidates wants to take admission in this college but, the seats are fewer , there are only about 166 seats per year for the MBA program. So, you can say that the competition is high.
There are two programs offered by the FMS, the details are below.

What are the programs offered by FMS?
There are two programs offered by FMS i.e. MBA(full time) and MBA(part time).

1) MBA (Full Time) :
The duration of the MBA(FT) is of two years. You have the time of two years to explore yourself to learn more things.
Eligibility Criteria :
The candidates willing to take admission in the FMS first year MBA (full time) course, should have at least three year bachelor's degree program after the minimum 12 year schooling.
Selection Process :
Application forms are provided to the interested candidates after filling the application fees. The filled in application forms are must be sent to the Administrative officer, FMS.
Eligible candidates are called for the written test (first) and if, they passed the written test than there is essay writing or GD with personal interview.

2) MBA (Part Time) :
MBA (part time) is another program offered by the FMS. The course duration of this course is three years.
Eligibility Criteria :
For this course you should have minimum three years bachelor's degree ( minimum 45% marks) with 12 years formal schooling. For this course you should have minimum 3years experience in the industry, government sector or in IT company as a administrator or as a executive.
Selection Process :
Application forms are provided to the interested candidates after filling the application form fees. The filled application form is to be sent to the Administrative office , FMS.
Eligible candidates are called for the written test and for interview.

What are the percentage required for the admission?
There are different percentages required in the different streams :
Bachelor's Degree :
i) Medical, Engineering : 60% or 6 CGPA out of 10.
ii) Arts, Commerce or Social Science : 50%
ii) Science : 55%
Post Graduate : minimum 60% marks

NOTE : Candidates who are in final year or awaiting result of final year of bachelor's degree/ post graduate may also apply

JMET (Joint Management Entrance Test)

JMET (Joint Management Entrance Test), is the written test taken by all the IIT's together provide admission in all IIT's for Management Courses. To take admission in IIT's, you have to clear this test. This test includes four sections i.e. English Language, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude, these four sections have different cutoff to clear, so, you have to clear all the four sections individually.
JMET is the written exam only, on the behalf of marks you obtained All India Rank is provided to you. After the JMET, you have to apply for IIT's separately in which you want to take admission.

Institutes taking part in JMET :
i) IIT Bombay : Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management.
ii) IIT Delhi : Department of Management Studies.
iii) IIT Kanpur : Department of Industrial and Management Engineering.
iv) IIT Madras : Department of Management Studies.
v) IISc Banglore : Department of Management Studies.
vi) IIT Kharagpur : Vinod Gupta School of Management
vii) IIT Roorkee : Department of Management Studies
These institutes provide the Management Degree through JMET.

JMET Eligibility :
JMET eligibility is different for different institutes. First you have to check the eligibility of a particular institute in which you want to take admission.
After qualifying the JMET test, candidates have to check the eligibility of particular institute, if you eligible for that institute and fill the application for that. After JMET , institutes takes GD and personal interview. The experience in any industry or in organisation is not mandatory, but, there are marks on experience given by different IIT's differently.

JMET Syllabus :
JMET syllabus includes the topics which are most common in all the management test i.e
i) English Language
ii) Quantitative Aptitude
iii) Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency
iv) Logical Reasoning.
There is also some questions on general awareness related to management or business, so i prefer you to prepare for general awareness too before taking the test.

How to apply for JMET ?
There are two steps applied by the JMET to fill the form:
i) Registration :
In this, you have to register itself on JMET website with email id and password
ii) Filling The Form :
In this step, first you have to log in into your account and then fill the form.
The JMET fee payment is Rs.750-/ for others (Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PD)

There are also two methods to submit the fees :
i) By Core Banking :
In this first you have to register and then take print out of bank challan and then go to any branch of SBI bank and pay the fees there.
ii) By Demand Draft :
In this, first you have to make the demand draft and then fill the application form.

Important Dates :
Start date of filling application form online : first week of September.
Last date of filling the application form : first week of October
Date of exam : in December
Date of result : in first week of January.

GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)

The GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test. It is Administered by Graduate Management Admission Council ( GMAC) and required for admission to most U.S, Canadian and European Business school MBA programs. Nearly 900 management Institutes all over the world (almost all of them in the US) require GMAT scores from each applicant for admission to the MBA program. It is a computer adaptive test in mathematics and English for checking the candidate aptitude and analytical abilities. The exam Measures verbal, mathematical, and analytical Writing Skills that the Examinees has Developed over a long period of time in his/her education and work.

How to Register for GMAT Exam?
To take the Computer-based GMAT Exam you must schedule an Appointment by using any of the following methods:
1) Make an appointment online, via the GMAC website.
2) Call the Test Center of your Choice directly. A Current Test-center list is available at the GMAC website.
3) Call a central registration number: 1-800-717-GMAT.
The GMAT MBA Exam is Conducted Around the world at different Test Centers. Around 1900 B-schools Accepted the GMAT score for their Admission. It's better if the candidate start preparing about 3-6 months before the GMAT exam.The different mode of preparation in GMAT Exam are self- study, preparation material course, group study.The parameters of judgement of GMAT Exam are one's knowledge about business, job skills,academic background and other specialization courses.
The Candidate May Register for the GMAT Either Online or through one of the test centers. To schedule a test, an appointment must be Made at one of the designated Test centers. study preparation aids are available, including self-study using GMAT books, classroom GMAT preparation courses in both live session and online study, or private tutoring. You may not take the GMAT more than once within 31 days, even if the scores are canceled.

GMAT Courses:

There are two main GMAT Courses :
(a) Online Course.
(b) Classroom course.
Online GMAT courses are perfect for those students who don't live where reputable classroom courses are offered or who don't have Time to go to classes. Online course are either self-study or are conducted through virtual classrooms.
GMAT classroom courses are expensive than Online Course and take more time, they provide in-depth Knowledge, Support. Many students Start with an online course and then go for a classroom course. For The Classroom Courses You can go for any reputed College.

GMAT Syllabus :

This Syllabus is For Online Courses Students
Lesson 1
Introduction to the GMAT
Introduction to the course
Your Online Student Center
Basic math skills (if Math Boot Camp available)
Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) format
Access to free admissions tools and info
Test-taking strategy fundamentals
Math Introduction
Math Fundamentals
Plugging In I
Verbal Introduction
Grammar I

Lesson 2
Data Sufficiency
Algebra vs. Arithmetic
Sentence Correction I
Grammar II

Lesson 3
Plugging In II
Yes-No Data Sufficiency
Sentence Correction II
Percent Change
Test Smarts – Pacing and Test Strategies II
Computer Adaptive Practice GMAT 2 – Online Student Center

Lesson 4
Ratios, Averages, Stats and Rates
More Data Sufficiency
Test Smarts – Pacing and Test Strategies II
Standard Deviation
Critical Reasoning I: Understanding Arguments
Computer Adaptive Practice GMAT 3 – Online Student Center

Lesson 5
Roots and Exponents
Permutations & Combinations
More Yes-No Data Sufficiency
Test Smarts – Pacing and Test Strategies III
Factors and Factorials
Reading Comprehension
Computer Adaptive Practice GMAT 4 – Online Student Center

Lesson 6
Analysis of an Argument
Critical Reasoning II: Inferences/Paradoxes
Test Smarts – Pacing and Test Strategies IV
Computer Adaptive Practice GMAT 5 – Online Student Center

Lesson 7
Functions, Sequences, Groups
Harder Permutations & Combinations
Analysis of an Issue
Test Smarts – Pacing and Test Strategies V
Advanced Math
Harder Probability
Sentence Correction Revisited
Computer Adaptive Practice GMAT 6 – Online Student Center

Lesson 8
Complex Problems
Reading Comprehension Revisited
Arguments Revisited
Countdown to your test
Review & Summary

GMAT Dates :

The GMAT is given year round during working days. You can take the test at any Time.

MAT ( Management Aptitude Test )

MAT (Management Aptitude Test) is a test conducting by the AIMA for the students who want to take Post Graduate degree from the management institutes in India. MAT is one of the popular test among all the management test. Every year, very large students gave this test in India so , in this test there is very much competition to clear the test and to take admission in one of the best institutes to perform Post Graduation.
This test is held four times in a year i.e. February, May, September, December every year. You can give the test in any one of the month listed below and you also give test 2 time, 3 times or 4 times to increase your score. The score is valid for the ONE YEAR, so you can take admission by the score obtained by you (high score).
You have to register individually for the different months tests. This is an advantage for us to refresh our scores and get good college. There are about 450 management colleges affiliated to provide admission by MAT. There is an one more advantage of MAT i.e it has test centers all over the India in maximum cities, which is very helpful for the students to give test without going so far and it also remove the wastage of time.

Eligibility for MAT :
The eligibility for MAT is almost similar as all other management entrace test. The eligibility are as follows :
i) Candidate should hold the minimum three years Bachelor's Degree from recognized University/Institute.
ii) There is no age to give the MAT test.
iii) Candidates who are in their final year, may also apply for test.

Syllabus of MAT :
It includes five sections and each section includes about 40 questions each. The questions which are coming in test are not very difficult, they are moderate and easy. but, you have to pay attention on quantitative aptitude which includes maths because it is the very much marks gain section if you are good in maths.
the sections are as follows :
i) English language
ii) Mathematical skills.
iii) General Awareness.
iv) Data Analysis.
v) Logical and Critical Reasoning.
Data Analysis also includes Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency.

Test Pattern :
The test pattern of MAT is simple and it is same for the all four months papers. It is more time based test than the accuracy based so, you should have the good speed to calculate the answers.
i) Total questions : 200
ii) Total time = 140 minutes
iii) Marks/ questions = 1 marks each
iv) Negative marking = .25 on every incorrect answer.

NOTE : There is .25 negative marking on every incorrect answer.

Important Dates :
Date of Examination : February, May, September, December.

SNAP ( Symbiosis National Aptitude Test)

Symbiosis National Aptitude Test (SNAP) is one of the common exams held in India for the Management courses. It is conducted by the Symbiosis International University (deemed) for the admission to take in different institutes affiliated to symbiosis university.
This university provide the post graduate degree in management programs. This test is held in December every year, to take SNAP test, you have to register yourself online, the online registrations are open in October first week.
There is also the Management quota in university for admission.

What is the eligibility for SNAP?
Candidates who are want to take the test, should hold the Bachelor's Degree with minimum 55% marks with 12 years schooling.

NOTE : Candidates who are in final year or waiting for their results may also apply.

What is the test pattern of SNAP ?
SNAP test is an objective test having four options. The test duration is about 120 minutes, in which you have to give the answers of about 160 questions. Each questions consisting of 1 marks each. Their is different cutoffs for different colleges to take admission.
i) Objective Test
ii) Test Duration = 120 minutes
iii) Number of Questions = 160
iv) Marks/ Questions = 1 marks each
v) 25% negative marking per question.
vi) Total Marks = 160

NOTE : Their is 25% negative marking per question in the test.

What is the syllabus of SNAP?
Now, we are here to discuss about the syllabus of test, the test, their are four sections i.e. English Language, General Awareness, Data Interpretation and Quantitative Aptitude and high level Reasoning.
i) English Language (Reading Comprehension, VA)  = 40 marks
ii) Quantitative Aptitude, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation : 40 marks
iii) General Awareness : 40 marks
iv) Reasoning : 40 marks
Total marks = 160
Quantitative Aptitude is just like maths which includes ( numbers, time and work, geometry, mensuration, percentage etc.) and Data Interpretation includes ( bar graphs, line graphs, stack graphs, logical reasoning etc.)

What are the important dates?
Start date of online registration : first week of October.
Last date of registration : November last week.
Exam date : 12 December.
Date of result : 12 January.

Common Admission Test (CAT)

CAT (Common Admission Test) is conducted for the candidates who want to take admissions in Management courses in India. It is very hard to clear this test and to achieve the percentile needed to take admission in IIM's.
This test is conducted to take admission in all six IIM's, but there are also very reputed institutes who take admission through the CAT score.
In CAT examination there are three sections:
1) Test of English Language.
2) Test of Data Inter petition/ Logical Reasoning
3) Test of Quantitative aptitude.
To take admission in IIM's , you have to clear all the three sections individually. There are different cut-off for different sections for each IIM's and also for different institutes. So, if you want to crack the CAT than you have to do hard work in all the three sections, without this you can't crack the CAT.
This is based on percentile i.e after clearing the exams, the percentile score is given to you, which is different for different sections and also the overall percentile score (combined three sections). On the behalf of this you have to take admissions in different institutes. The cut-off of percentile score for the admission in different colleges are different both in (different sections and combined), for IIM's they are gone from 98-100 percentile, to achieve this percentile seriously you have to do work hard.
It is generally conducted in the month of October/ November, every year.

What is the eligibility for CAT?
Candidates who are appearing for Common Admission Test (CAT) must hold the bachelor's degree with minimum 55% marks or equivalent CGPA (minimum 45% marks for the SC/ST/DA) awarded by the university/institute approved by HRD, government of India.

NOTE : Candidates who are in their final year of degree, they can also apply.

What if, i got CGPA not percentage?
In this case, the conversion of grades/ CGPA to percentage of marks would be done by by the procedure followed by the university/ institutes.
If there is no procedure followed by the university/ institute, then the percentage of marks obtained by the:
Candidate's CGPA divided by the maximum CGPA and then multiply the result by 100.
For example:
Candidate's CGPA = 6
Maximum CGPA = 10
Percentage = (6/10)*100= 60 %

What is the CAT syllabus?
There is a wide range range of syllabus coming in test. There are three sections as i told earlier, these three sections contains different topics , they are as under :

1) Verbal Ability (English Language) :
i) Verbal Reasoning.
ii) Reading Comprehension.
iii) Vocabulary Based.
iv) English Grammar.

2) Data Interpretation / Logical Reasoning
i) Bar- Graphs
ii) Pie charts.
iii) Tables graph.
iv) Line graphs.
v) Bar-stack graphs.
vi) Puzzles.
vii) Data Sufficiency.

3) Quantitative Aptitude (Mathematics)
i) Time and Work
ii) Time and distance.
iii) Number systems.
iv) Percentage.
v) Quadratic Equations.
vi) Logarithm.
vii) Geometry.
viii) Mensuration.
ix) Functions.
x) Probability.
xi) Inequalities.
xii) Functions.
xiii) Interest
xiv) Average.
xv) Ratio and Proportion etc.

Where i can give the CAT?
Cat is an online test now, not a paper pencil based. There are about 33 centers in India to give a test. Most of the centers are engineering and management colleges in a cities.
It is CBT(Computer Based) so you have to practice for this, take mock test on computer as many as possible. By this, your ability to read questions on PC is increased. Look, what i want to say , is that computer based test is very much different than the paper pencil based test.
The test window for the test is opened from (27 October-24 November), so you have to register itself between these days to take the test. There are also two time slots provided i.e. 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM, while registering for CAT, you have to mention the day and the time slot of that particular day on which you want to take the test.

CAT important dates :
Start date of online registration : Last week of August - Last week of September.
CAT test dates : 22 October-18 November.
CAT Results : 12 January.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Financial Service Executives Jobs in LIC Westren Region - 2011

Candidates for job are invited for the post of Financial Service Executives (FSE) in Life Insurance Corporation In India (LIC) Western Region on contract basis of three years.

Post Name : Financial Service Executives

Job Requirement : The main area of this job is based on marketing in the area allotted to the candidates. The FSE,s are mainly responsible for providing Policy Servicing, New Business and also other jobs related to the Bank Branches.

Age Limit (as on 01/09/2011) : The candidate should completed the 21 years of age but not more than 35 years of age.

Age Relaxation :
i) SC/ST : Upper age limit 40 years.
ii) OBC ( Other than creamy layer ) : upper age limit 38 years.
iii) Ex- servicemen : Upper age limit 35 years ( relaxation in age as per government rule )

Educational Qualification : i) Candidate must have the Bachelor's Degree from the Recognized Indian University/ institute.
ii) The preference is provided to those candidates who have the Diploma/ Degree in Management/ Marketing.
iii) Candidate should know the one regional language i.e Local Language and also have the working knowledge of English Language.
iv) There is also advantage for those candidates who have the knowledge of Word/ Power Point/ Excel.

Selection Procedure : The selection is based on two steps :
i) Written test.
ii) Interview ( For those who passed the written test).

Syllabus of Written Test : The written test will be Objective Type. It consists :
i) Reasoning.
ii) Numerical Ability.
iii) General Awareness.

Application Fee : The application is of Rs.100/- ( No fee for SC/ST Candidates). The application fee shall be paid by the Demand Draft in favor of Life Insurance Corporation Of India and payable at Divisional Headquarters. The name of the candidate and also the date of birth of candidate should be written on the reverse of Demand Draft.

How to Apply : The candidates have to write the application in the format given on the LIC Website. The application should be properly signed and submitted with :
i) Demand Draft of Rs.100/- (No fee for SC/ST Candidates).
ii) Caste Certificate attested photocopy ( Only for SC/ST Candidates).
iii) Qualification Certificate attested photocopy and also Age Proof attested photocopy.
iv) Attested Photocopy of Discharge Certificate Only for the Ex- Servicemen.

Now, submit the application form with these photocopies and with Demand Draft to the Divisional Office of LIC in India. ( Given on the LIC Website).

Must Know
Last date : 12/10/2011
Website of LIC :

Read the full advertisement from here

Recruitment of Faculty in IIM Rohtak - 2011

There are several vacancies for the post of Faculty in Indian Institute Of Management Rohtak. The details for the candidates are given below :

Name of the Posts :
  • Professors
  • Associate Professors
  • Assistant Professors
Subjects : IT Systems, Operations, HRM, Marketing, Financial Management, Business Environment, General Management, Strategic Management.

Pay Scale : The pay scale for the various posts is given below:
1) Professors : PB-4 Rs.37400-67000/- + AGP Rs.10500/-
2) Associate Professors : PB-4 Rs.37400-67000/- + AGP Rs.9500/-
3) Assistant Professors : PB-3 Rs.15600-39100/- + AGP Rs.8000/-

Educational Qualification : The candidate should possess the PH.D Degree with 10/6/3 years of relevant Post qualification teaching/research/managerial experience.

Guest Faculty : There is also an opportunity for the teachers who want to share their experience with the students as Guest Faculty. The remuneration rate is Rs.4000/- for PGP and Rs.3000/- per hour for the executive programmes.

How to Apply : The candidates who are willing to apply must send the application form in the prescribed format  to The Director, Indian Institute Of Management Rohtak, M.D. University Campus, Rohtak, Haryana - 124001

Contact : Candidate also contact the director at and also contact via phone 01262-274050/55

Must Know
Last date : 24/10/2011

Please read the full advertisement at

Vacancy For Faculty and Other Jobs in Assam University - 2011

There are several vacancies for the Faculty and also other jobs in Assam University. The details for the candidates are given below :

Name of the Posts :
1) Teaching Positions at Silchar :
  • Professor : 04 posts
  • Associate Professor : 07 posts
  • Assistant Professor : 04 posts
2) Teaching Positions at Diphu :
  • Professor : 02 posts
  • Associate Professor : 01 posts
  • Assistant Professor : 02 posts
3) Non Teaching Positions :
  • Hindi Typist : 01 posts
  • Carpenter : 01 posts
  • Assistant : 01 posts
  • Hindi Translator : 01 posts
  • PA : 01 Posts in Diphu campus.
  • UDC : 01 Posts at Diphu campus
  • Multitasking Staff : 04 posts
  • Lower Division Clerks (LDC) : 07 posts
How to Apply : The candidates who are willing to apply must send fully filled application form superscribed with post applied and Advertisement No. in a sealed cover to The Registrar, Assam University, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Administrative Building, Silchar - 788011

Must Know
Last date : 25/10/2011

Please read the full advertisement at

Recruitment For Various Posts in Indra Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU) Amarkantak

There are several vacancy for various jobs in  Indra Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU) Amarkantak. The details for the candidates are given below :

Name of the Posts :
1) Deputy Registrar : 01 posts
2) Medical Officer : 01 posts
3) Controller Of Examination : 01 posts
4) Internal Auditor Officer : 01 posts On deputation
5) Assistant Liberian : 01 posts
6) Nurse : 01 posts
7) Junior Engineer : 01 posts
8) Assistant Engineer (Civil) : 01 posts
9) System Analyst : 01 posts
10) Library Assistant : 01 posts
11) Semi - Professor Assistant : 01 posts
12) Laboratory Assistant : 01 posts
13) Driver : 03 posts 
14) Library Attendant : 02 posts
15) Lower Division Clerks : 04 posts
16) Dresser : 01 posts
17) Laboratory Attendant : 02 posts

Application Fee : The candidates have to submit the application fee of Rs.200/- for General/OBC Candidates (Rs.100/- for SC/ST Candidates) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favor of  Indra Gandhi National Tribal University, payable at State Bank Of India, Amarkantak. (IFS Code No.- SBIN 0004674).

How to Apply : The candidates who are willing to apply must send the application form (Download from website) with Demand Draft to The Registrar, IGNTU, Amarkantak.

Must Know
Last date : 31/10/2011

Please read the full advertisement at

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Vacancy of Probationary Officer and Other various jobs in Madras Fertilizer - 2011

There are several vacancies for the Probationary Officer and there are also other jobs in the Madras Fertilizer. The details for the candidates are given below :

Name of the Posts :
1) General Manager : 03 posts ( Marketing and Distribution - 01, Plant - 01, Personnel and Administration - 01)
Pay Scale : The pay scale for this job is Rs.53000-73000/-
Age Limit : The age limit is minimum 48 years and maximum 53 years.

2) Probationary Engineer : 20 posts (Electrical - 02, Mechanical - 06, Chemical - 09, Civil - 01, Instrumentation - 02)
Pay Scale : The pay scale for this job is Rs.12600-32500/-
Age Limit : The upper age limit is 28 years.

Application Fee : Candidates have to submit the application fee of Rs.200/- (For General and OBC Candidates) and Rs.100/- (For SC/ST Candidates) by Demand Draft or Banker's Check in favor of Madras Fertilizers Limited, payable at Chennai.

How to Apply : The candidates who are willing to apply must apply online on Madras Fertilizers website. Than take a print out of the fully filled application form and send with photocopies of the certificates and Demand Draft or Banker's Check to The Deputy General Manager (P&A).

Must Know :
Last date : 14/10/2011

Please read the full advertisement at

Monday, 26 September 2011

Recruitment of the Trained Graduate Teacher in the Navodaya Vidhalaya - 2011

There are various vacancies for the Trained Graduate Teachers in the Navodaya Vidhalaya. The details for the candidates are given below :

Name of the Post : Trained Graduate Teachers
Subjects : Hindi/ English/ Mathematics/ Science/ Social science.
Pay Scale : The pay scale for this job is Rs.9300-34800/- + grade pay Rs.4600/-
Age Limit (as on 30/09/2011) : The age limit is maximum 30 years.

Selection Procedure : The selection is through the written test. This written test is consist of two papers.
i) Paper - I : General paper, 60 marks, 2 hours.
ii) Paper - II : Subject paper, 80 marks, 2 hours and Language paper, 40 marks, 2 hours.
Both for TGT and PGT.

Application Fee : Candidate have to submit the application fee of Rs.500/- for General/ OBC Candidates ( No fee for SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen Candidates) in the form of Demand Draft in the favor of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti payable at Chandigarh.

How to Apply : The candidates who are willing to apply have to send the dully filled application form in the prescribed format with the Demand Draft in the closed envelope superscribed "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF TGT IN ______ SUBJECT" by ordinary post only to The Director, Navodaya Leadership Institute, JNV Campus, Sector-25, Chandigarh - 160014

Must Know
Last date : 23/10/2011

Please read the full advertisement at 

Recruitment for various jobs in Ministry Of Development Of North Eastern Region (MDONER) - 2011

There are various vacancies in the Ministry Of Development Of North Eastern Region (MDONER). The details for the candidates are given below :

Name of the Posts :
1) Consultant (Finance) : 01 posts
Pay Scale : The salary for this job is Rs.30,000/-

2) Consultant (MIS) : 01 Posts
Pay Scale : The salary for this job is Rs.30,000/-

3) Consultant (Procurement) : 01 posts
Pay Scale : The salary for this job is Rs.30,000/-

4) Consultant (Technical) : 01 posts
Pay Scale : The salary for this job is Rs.40,000/-

5) Project Coordinator : 01 posts.
Pay Scale : The salary for this job is Rs.50,000/-

6) Project Assistant : 04 posts.
Pay Scale : The salary for this job is Rs.18,000/-

How to Apply : The candidates who are willing to apply must send their in the enclosed format by post to The Shri Bimal Kumar, Under Secretory, Room No. 332, Vigyan Bhawan Annexe, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi.

Must Know :
Last date : 15/10/2011

Please read the full advertisement at