Thursday, 29 September 2011

Test Taking Tips

Tips important goal of your test preparation is to help you to give the best possible account of yourself by effectively using your knowledge to answer the examination questions.
First, get rid of any negative attitudes towards the test. Your attitude is negative if you view the test as a device to "trip you up" rather than an opportunity to show how effectively you have earned.

Approach the test with self confidence :
Working through the book is a difficult job, and after you have done it you will be better prepared than the 90% of the people taking the book. Self confidence is one of the biggest strategic assets you can bring to the testing room.
Nobody likes test but some people actually permit themselves to get upset or angry when they see what they think is an unfair test. This can only hurt your score. Keep calm and move right ahead. Anger, resentment, and fear all slow you down and impair your judgement. Besides, every test you take, is a valuable experience that improves your skills.
Keep calm, there is no point in panic . If you have done your work, there is no need for it; if you have not, a cool head is your requirement.
At the last, this post should remove some of the fear and mystery that surrounds examination. A certain amount of concern is normal and good, but excessive worry saps your strength and keenness.
"be prepared emotionally"

Tips that helps you definitely :
If you know any others who are taking the test, you will probably find it helpful to review the questions and your notes with them. The group should be small, certainly not more than 12 members. Team study should seek to review the material in the different way from the way you learned it originally; strive for an exchange of ideas. Be selective in sticking to important ideas, and stress the vogue and the unfamiliar rather then which you all know well. End sessions as soon as you get tired.
One of the worst strategies in test-taking is to try to do all of your preparation the night before the exam. Cramming is the very good way to guarantee poor test results. Schedule your study properly so as not to suffer from the fatigue and emotional disturbance that come from cramming the night before.
However, you would be wise to review your notes in 48 hours preceding the exam. You should not to have spend more than two or three hours in way. Stick to salient points. The other will fall into place quickly.
Don't confuse cramming with a final, calm review that helps you focus on the significant areas of the test and further strengthens your confidence in your ability to handle the test questions.
"prepare yourself factually"

Keep fit, mind and body work together. Poor physical conditions will lower your mental efficiency. In preparing for an examination, observe the commonsense rules of the health. Get sufficient sleep and rest, eat proper food, plan recreation and exercise.
In relation to health and examination, two cautions are in order.
i) Don;t miss your meals prior to an examination in order to get extra time for study.
ii) Don't miss your regular sleep by sitting up late to "cram" for the examination. Cramming is an attempt to learn in very short period of time what should have been learned through regular and consistent study. Not only are these two habits detrimental to health, but seldom do they pay off in terns of effective learning. It is likely that you will be more confused rather than better better prepare on the day of examination if you have broken into your daily routine by missing your meals and sleep.
" on the night of the examination, go to bed at your regular time and try to get the good night sleep. Don't go to the movies. Don;t date. In other words prepare yourself physically."

This question is arriving every time in our mind when we studying. We think that how can i improve our performance , how can i study well? The answer of your questions is here :

  • Make a time table for daily routine.
  • Get up early in the morning and go for a morning walk and read the newspaper.
  • Must be attentive in the class.
  • Listen the teachers carefully.
  • Make a note of all points discussed in your notebook.
  • Put as many questions to the teacher again and again if you could not follow the method or could not clear the concept.
  • Note down the points discussed by the teacher in the note book if you could clear the concept. use pen of many colors.
  • Make a practice at home and revise all the problems in detail and make short note for study.
  • Even if there are still some points you could not follow, must put questions to the teacher the next day.
  • Provide time to each subject daily.
  • Give extra time to the subject in which you are weak.
  • You may request to the teacher to give extra time for you. He will surely help because you are truthful and honest.
  • Discuss your weak subjects with friends who are good in that subject.
  • Enjoy study in the class and do not nervous. "Rich men have no faults".
  • Must help your family members as and when you find the leisure time. This will give you satisfaction. This will also enhance your confidence because human is a social animal.
  • One who has worked hard rounds the year keeping all the suggestions given above in mind is very well on the right track.
  • Hopefully, at this stage you will find yourself more confident about the problems discussed in the class. As such you will find yourself at the stage to face any challenge boldly posed by the so called examination.
  • Read books describe your syllabus like - Made in China, Think Big, One Minute Manager, You Can Win etc.
  • Be remember "books are for nothing but to inspire"

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